Homework For Dad :-)
Mamli, my daughter, came home on Friday very excited about a Turtle! And then she asked me if I had Logic Oriented, Graphics Oriented. I gave her a blank look and got a look of pity from her :-) She then proceeded to tell me all about how you draw turtles with LOGO ... Turtles???
Well, the next step was to fireup FireFox and type in ... Turtles? LOGO? Ahhh. LOGO Programming. All this time Mamli was telling me about how you tell the Turtle to go right and then go down and then go left .... :-) All without the mouse. Use keyboard only. What?
Then it hit me :-) Some sort of programming language. That narrowed things down a bit. Well, after looking at Google results from people selling Logo creation serices, I finally managed to narrow down and find my first reference to LOGO. It was simple after that. I found a number of web sites about Logo:
- A ThinkQuest page on LOGO
- Berkeley Logo (UCBLogo), which took me to...
- FMSLogo: An Educational Programming Environment and
- MSWLogo
Downloaded Torture (I like things written in Java) and played around a bit. Seems simple enough but by now I was begining to realize that I had landed myself a considerable amount of homework!
I now have to learn the LOGO language and put the whole thing into a package that I can then teach my daughter. Opps...
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